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LETTER: Why Doug Ford's government 'needs to go'

Reader calls into question premier's decisions on Highway 401, alcohol sales, the Ontario Science Centre and the Bradford Bypass
2021-10-04 Doug Ford TADH2 MH
Ontario Premier Doug Ford at Timmins and District Hospital on Oct. 4, 2021.

BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). We received the following submission regarding Ontario Premier Doug Ford.

We need an intervention for Doug Ford. Before we get him out of office he will destroy another part of the province.

He already took an axe to the lakeshore, Ontario Place and what else, the Ontario Science Centre. I am shocked that his cockamamie ideas are moving along. Fancy spa on the lakeshore, not for the average person that is for sure.

Close half the beer stores so he can let us buy at the corner store. The corner store has to move something from the refrigeration area to make room to keep your beer cold.

Maybe they can move milk.

A tunnel down the 401, the man is brilliant, it will be finished when he is no longer living. Will any of his cronies make anything out of that? Maybe not. Just like the Bradford Bypass, who needs it, him and those few fellas he promised could make money. He needs to go, he is an out-of-control egotist.

Get ready to vote. It will be slim pickings.

Susan Tarasco