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LETTER: Town should offer constructive collaboration, not cancel Muslim conference

'Rather than focusing on temporary inconveniences, we should celebrate the diversity and unity that this event promotes,' says letter writer
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BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter was sent in response to Bradford council's decision to nix plans to host a massive Muslim conference.


I am writing to express my support for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat (AMJ) and their efforts to hold the annual Jalsa Salana in Bradford, despite recent concerns raised by some residents and members of the city council.

The AMJ has been a vital part of our multicultural fabric, promoting peace, understanding, and charity across communities.

While traffic and logistical challenges were cited during the 2024 event, these issues could have been better managed with a collaborative approach between the city and the organizers.

Rather than outright rejecting future events, it would be more constructive to work on improving traffic management, parking solutions, and resident communication to ensure a smoother experience for everyone.

It's important to recognize the immense cultural and economic benefits that the Jalsa Salana brings to our region.

Beyond its spiritual significance, this annual gathering fosters interfaith dialogue and community cohesion, aligning with Canada’s values of inclusivity and diversity.

As many residents have noted, the event is extremely well-organized, and any logistical issues can be resolved with thoughtful planning and cooperation.

Rather than focusing on temporary inconveniences, we should celebrate the diversity and unity that this event promotes and work together to ensure its continuation in the years to come.

Maira Eqaan
Barrie, Ontario