BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is in response to 'LETTER: Return of Jalsa Salana 'will bring numerous benefits for local community',' published Jan. 30.
I attended the "information and questions and answers" meeting that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at hosted not too long ago. It is interesting to see how this recent letter speaks to economic benefits and harmony. Is it harmony when the resident's important questions go unanswered? If a question-and-answer period is held then where are the answers? Very important questions were raised and no response. During the meeting, the residents were interrupted multiple times while speaking and the attempt of a change to the narrative by the speaker took place.
You cannot ask for the consideration of this event and avoid the residents' questions. As well, it does not help the situation when residents are asking viable questions and someone from the AMJ stood up and stated that this was racism. The residents did not need to hear this. Is this establishing harmony in the community when someone acts this way?
As far as the agricultural lands and farming is concerned, how do you farm this property when it is set up as early as May, held in July, and wrapped up in August? Any farmer can tell you that August/September is harvest season. What are we to harvest at that time on these lands?
The residents brought up ideas of hosting this event at Burl's Creek Event Grounds. The facility can host 100,000 people. This facility is set up for these types of events. If the AMJ speak to the economic benefits to the community then why are they not holding their event at this type of facility, truly supporting the community with "economical benefits" by renting out these facilities? There are other facilities as well that can host the event. Again, these questions were unanswered. There are other issues that we're raised as well and left unanswered.
There is no reason that any of these facilities cannot support the Jalsa Salana.
Hold this event at one of these facilities. This way, AMJ can truly farm the agricultural land that they own. In this manner there are no issues for the surrounding infrastructure strain and emergency services response for our residents in the immediate area.
It is without hesitation that I support wholeheartedly the recent amendment tabled by council regarding mega events on agricultural lands. Lands are disappearing every day that are farmland. The preservation of farmland is even backed by Ontario Premier Doug Ford in some of his most recent statements. I would like everyone to truly consider how the farmers of this town give back to the community every single day, not just over a long weekend.
Denis Jakac