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LETTER: Support for Jalsa Salana event in Bradford

'I urge the council to reconsider and work with AMJ Canada to find a solution. I encourage residents to support this event for its positive impact on our community,' says letter writer
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BradfordToday received the following Letter to the Editor from Saima Shafaq, in regards to council's decision to deny an upcoming event in Bradford: 

Dear Editor,

I am writing to support the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at (AMJ) Canada’s application to host their annual Jalsa Salana conference in Bradford in 2025. The recent council decision to deny this application due to traffic and safety concerns is disappointing.

The Jalsa Salana promotes peace, understanding, and community cohesion, bringing together diverse backgrounds. With proper planning and collaboration, the concerns can be addressed. Hosting this event would benefit Bradford economically and culturally, showcasing it as an inclusive community.

The local Ahmadiyya Muslim community has significantly contributed to Bradford through initiatives like the Run for Bradford, blood drives, highway clean-ups, and support for food banks, shelter homes, and schools.

I urge the council to reconsider and work with AMJ Canada to find a solution. I encourage residents to support this event for its positive impact on our community.

Thank you for considering my perspective.

Saima Shafaq
Barrie, Ontario