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LETTER: Reader says move Ontario Science Centre to Barrie

'The science centre needs a temporary home and beautiful Barrie could provide a solution,' says letter writer
The Ontario Science Centre in Toronto.

BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is regarding the Ontario Science Centre, which was abruptly closed on Friday.

Mayor Alex Nuttall should pick up the phone and ask his friend, Premier Doug Ford, to ship some of the Ontario Science Centre exhibits to Barrie.

The Toronto landmark was permanently closed on June 21 due to concerns that the roof of the 55-year-old structure will collapse if there is a heavy snowfall next winter.

The PC government plans to spend billions of dollars of our taxpayer money relocating the science centre to the Ontario Place spa in 2028.

The science centre needs a temporary home and beautiful Barrie could provide a solution.

The City of Barrie could put a giant circus tent in the parking lot of the Sadlon Arena to house the exhibits this summer and fall. Parking could be expanded on the former Molson Park site next to Park Place and shuttle buses from the Allandale Recreation Centre can also be used if there are events in the Sadlon Arena.

Our city could become a more attractive tourist destination bringing in big bucks for the local economy.

Mayor Nuttall could invite Bill Nye the Science Guy to the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The exhibits could be moved indoors during the winter months to spaces within the City Hall Rotunda, our public libraries, museums, rec centres and local Catholic and public high schools.

Please pick up the phone, Mr. Mayor, and ask the premier to bring the Ontario Science Centre to Barrie.

Kyle Tilley