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LETTER: Politicians 'seem mainly worried about themselves'

'For over 40 years, elected politicians have promoted food banks instead of developing policies that would allow people to live an enjoyable life out of poverty,' says letter writer
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BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). 

Everything seems to be getting worse and worse in our society in Ontario and Canada. Good news is unheard of unfortunately and never happens.

Homelessness (1,400 homeless encampments in Ontario), drunk driving (31 percent increase in crashes 2023), crimes of all types are increasing, people suffering in dire poverty. However, elected politicians are not suffering at all. 

On April 1, Canadian MPs will earn the world's second-highest salary for elected officials. The National Post (March 28) says, “The federal government is more than $1 trillion in debt, taxpayers are struggling to afford basic necessities" and MPs certainly do not deserve raises and it is high time to stop rubber-stamping the pay raises politicians give themselves every year.

Why is it that the elected politicians always seem to be able to find the cash to greatly increase their pay? The elected politicians seem to have absolutely no problem at all. 

And yet there are countless people in Ontario and Canada suffering on a daily basis in dire poverty. Why don't the elected politicians use some of this cash to lift people out of poverty so they can live an enjoyable life without suffering everyday in dire poverty? 

For over 40 years, elected politicians have promoted food banks instead of developing policies that would allow people to live an enjoyable life out of poverty. 

It has been reported that pre-COVID-19, a food bank was serving about 100 people per month, and today they are serving about 300 families a month.

It seems government staff and the elected politicians are mainly self-serving and have no trouble at all helping themselves, when they should be helping those they supposedly represent. 

Doug Abernethy