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LETTER: Ontario's animal cruelty laws need more teeth

'As our laws stand now, nothing prevents people from continuing their cycle of cruelty as the .... penalties rarely ever match the crime,' says letter writer
This is one of the horses at a farm in Oro-Medonte where claims of animal abuse have been made.

BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is in response to 'COLUMN: In animal cruelty cases, hesitation can prove fatal' published Feb. 11. 

I just wanted to say I cannot thank you enough for Ms. Rekola's column voicing her concerns on how our province handles animal abuse and neglect.

She is so right in calling on Ontario's need for stronger animal protection laws, laws that act to not only protect animals, and quickly, but also laws that will help deter the abuse and neglect in the first place.

As our laws stand now, nothing prevents people from continuing their cycle of cruelty as the animals are often not confiscated and the penalties rarely ever match the crime.

We have laws against animal abuse and neglect for a reason — why not make them actually work for the animals.

Sara Crane