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LETTER: 'Inspiring' volunteers cleaning up local roadsides

Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association 'contributing to better health and well-being for everyone'
Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association have been cleaning up trash along roads in Bradford.

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The Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association says it is demonstrating the importance of cleanliness through volunteer road cleaning.

In Bradford, the organization has adopted 10th Sideroad/County Road 53.

It’s inspiring to see communities like the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community taking proactive steps to promote cleanliness and environmental stewardship. By adopting highways and roads for regular cleanups, they’re not only striving to improve the esthetics of the area but also contributing to better health and well-being for everyone. Also, their dedication to spiritual purity through personal cleanliness aligns beautifully with their efforts for a cleaner environment.

They said that they clean these roads twice a year. The 5th Sideroad/County Road 53, which is under the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association, had its first cleanup on May 29 this year. The women in the group started cleaning at 10 a.m. and were able to clean up the adopted portion by 1 p.m. Their team consisted of 10 volunteers who were able to clean up both sides of the road. They shared that the filled garbage bags were left on the side of the road to be picked up by the municipality, which concluded the cleaning activity.

The next cleanup will take place in the fall season.

Mobashira Khan