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LETTER: D-Day column makes 'inappropriate' link

'I am not entirely sure who the author is praising in the column,' says letter writer
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BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a column about D-Day, published June 6.

The column puzzles me.

I am not entirely sure who the author is praising in the column. There is discussion about those who served during the Second World War and the liberation of friendly European countries (France) from the occupation of Axis powers (Germany). Then the author talks about the justified death of civilians and makes comparisons to “contemporary conflicts.”

There are many conflicts in our world at all times. Some are in an effort to liberate a people who are suffering. Some are to wipe out or colonize a nation. Some are for other political or economic reasons. Some we will never really understand.

Regardless of the author’s intention, I feel it is inappropriate to try to link the past heroics of Canadian servicemen (and servicewomen) with the horrors in the world today. I find this very disrespectful to the men and women we honour on D-Day.

Anthony Melidy