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LETTER: Convention allows for demonstration of Ahmadi values

The goal is to 'foster unity, peace, and understanding in our communities,' reader says

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As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at (AMJ), I want to express my support for the upcoming 2025 AMJ annual convention in Bradford. While I understand the concerns raised regarding the logistics and organization, I assure Bradford residents that the convention’s goal is to foster unity, peace, and understanding in our communities.

The convention is a highly anticipated event that brings together thousands of Ahmadi Muslims, and guests of all faiths, from across Canada and around the world. It is a time for spiritual reflection, learning, and networking, as well as a demonstration of the Ahmadi values of service, peace, and dedication to the common good. It also allows us to engage with our local community and build bridges with neighbours of all faiths and backgrounds.

For the community’s members, the 2025 Bradford convention will be an opportunity to welcome new faces, and to continue promoting the message of love and peace that is central to our faith. I am optimistic about the positive changes ahead and look forward to the 2025 convention in Bradford.

I have no doubt that it will be an occasion that unites our community while fostering meaningful dialogue and connection with our broader neighbours.

Bibi Zainab