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LETTER: An ode to Andrea Horwath

Reader praises outgoing NDP leader, 'a woman of ferocious belief'
Provincial NDP leader Andrea Horwath is shown in this file photo.

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A young woman from southern Ontario

who stood up for the working man (person),

fighting for the elector’s rights and freedoms.


She spoke from the heart, with passion and logic

uplifting each and every one of us as she might.

Whatever the subject, workers’ rights, their futures

Andrea spoke directly to each of our needs.


Health care, housing, equal pay for equality,

the leader of the left stood firmly and boldly, too,

demanding fair pay, equal representation as well,

Andrea gave as much as can be given

until it was time to go.


Fighting an election, not quite making the grade,

this mighty opponent of corruption, profiteering and greed

graciously took a bow of honest, humble yet noble pride

and said to her warriors a hearty good bye.


A quartet she ran for premier, and quartet she failed

it was expected she would fall on her sword as well,

but stay in the legislature she will do her best

and continue to fight for what is right.


A Hamilton girl, a woman of ferocious belief,

Andrea has lived to serve her neighbours well.

We can see her fight for us each and every day

at the Peoples Park in Toronto way.


Friends cheer for such a fire brand, 

a woman of clear conscience and pride,

who stands humbly before you, a servant of the people,

Andrea Horwath, a lioness who protects her pride (province).

Steven Kaszab