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LETTER: Accessory dwelling units effective in reducing sprawl

'Fourplexes are easily accommodated in existing communities, and do not ghettoize those on lower incomes,' says Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition official
A town diagram shows how two accessory dwelling units could be located in a main structure and one in an accessory structure.

BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article about accessory dwelling units in Bradford West Gwillimbury, published May 27.

In order to meet the real housing needs of today, affordable home building must be a priority.

Also, reducing the cost of new infrastructure is critical to making the best use of our limited construction dollars and labour.

Density reduces sprawl, which is the most expensive, unhealthy, and environmentally damaging form of development possible. Sprawl, its roads, and its salt, are the biggest threats to Lake Simcoe’s health.

Fourplexes are easily accommodated in existing communities, and do not ghettoize those on lower incomes. We support these, garden suites, and accessory dwelling units generally.

We applaud Bradford West Gwillimbury for working hard to improve its town’s housing offerings, to accommodate people at all stages in their lives.

Claire Malcolmson
Executive director, Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition