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Sharing snacks, songs and smiles

Frank Vaxevanis brings experience in the food industry, and a sunny smile to the Adult Day Program at CHATS
Frank Vaxevanis, volunteer with the Adult Day Program at CHATS. Miriam King/Bradford Today

Frank Vaxevanis brings 28 years of experience in the food sector to his role as a volunteer with Community and Home Assistance to Seniors (CHATS).

Vaxevanis helps out at the Adult Day Program (ADP) – a program for adults with mild to moderate cognitive issues, who can benefit from a day of supervised ‘social, recreational and therapeutic’ activities, away from their regular caregivers.

The program, which includes exercise classes, entertainment, nutritious snacks and lunches, and full assistance with everything from mobility to medication, is offered five days a week, Monday to Friday, at the Bradford location, 448 Holland St. West.

“I’m here once a week,” he said. “Usually I’m involved in cooking, serving, doing dishes, entertaining, and just encouraging.”

Vaxevanis is known not only for his cooking, but for his love of singing and whistling. His ‘encouraging’ often includes sharing a sense of light-hearted joy and fun with the ADP clients, persuading them to stand up and dance, and his smile can make the day brighter.

He first became involved in CHATS when he retired. “I was looking for something, and I knew about CHATS – I heard about it often,” Vaxevanis said.

It sounded like just what he was looking for, an organization that assists people, and focuses on the elderly. Three years ago, he went through the interview process and vulnerable sector screening, and became a volunteer for the Adult Day Program.

“I’m a people person,” Vaxevanis said. “I truly believe that when you give, you grow yourself. You become a better person. When you grow, you want to give more.”

He insists that he gets as much as he gives to the program. “I’m helping myself – I’m interacting,” he said. “The staff here is amazing. I’m looking forward to every time I come here.”

A resident of Bradford since 1985, Vaxevanis has also been involved in the local Garden Club, and serves as an Elder at his church. Now, at the age of 69, he’s found a new passion.

“At CHATS, they genuinely care for the people here – from the drivers to the cooks, to the managers,” and especially the clients, he said. “You have all these fragile lives in your hands.”

Does he plan to continue to volunteer for CHATS?

“Definitely,” Vaxevanis said. “As long as I can stand up and smile.”


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