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Proceeds from realtor’s golf tournament go to local charities

Tournament held last month raised just over $25,000 for local charities

Matthews House Hospice and other local organizations are singing the praises of area realtor Robin Evans for his generous donations from his 11th annual charity golf tournament which brought in just over $25,000 for area charities. 

 Evans has been hosting the tournament every year as a way to give back to the community.

"It was my most successful one to date with 130 golfers," Evans told BradfordToday. "I have lived in Bradford all my life, I run my tournament differently, it all goes right back to the community, that is very important."

This was the first tournament he held in three years due to pandemic restrictions and wasn't sure if he was going to host this year but eventually decided he is going to "carry the torch as long as I can."

This year's tournament was held on June 3 at Harbourview Golf Club in Gilford in memory of his brother-in-law Brian Hughes and friend Robert Sherbo, who both passed away in 2022 and 2018, from brain cancer and a drowning accident, respectively. 

Part of the funds raised was split between Mattews House Hospice, JumpStart, Children's War Amps, and Gilford Hall. 

Matthews House board member and VP of Fundraising Marv Chantler wanted to express the hospice's gratitude for the generous donation of $5,000 made in memory of Brian Hughes. 

"Matthews House helped Brian and Cathy (Brian's wife)  to stay at home to pass," said Chantler.  "We were able with PSWs and nurses and doctors to help Brian to stay at home and we have also been helping Cathy with a bereavement."

"The golf tournament was a huge success my brother Robin and the sponsors and players made it such a wonderful event. All the proceeds went to worthy causes," said Hughes' wife Cathy.  "The Mathew House provided Brian, myself and my family a tremendous amount of physical and emotional support during such a devastating time in our lives.  We can’t thank them enough."

The $5,000 cheque was presented to Hughes' family at his recent celebration of life. 

"This donation will assist Matthews House in offering essential services and programming for people in South Simcoe and beyond. Thank you Robin for supporting all we do here at Matthews House!" read a post on the hospice's social media page. 

Evans also donated $3,000 to Gilford Hall in Innisfil, to which its members were extremely grateful. 

"The last few years have been very difficult for the hall as it relies on rentals to keep the hall running. We greatly appreciate the donation," their letter to Village Media read. 

Evans says he is still deciding which other charities he will distribute the rest of the funds to and looks forward to hosting next year's fundraiser. 

"It all goes to a very good cause."


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