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Local companies deliver fresh produce to your door

Grocery delivery services in high demand due to COVID-19
Holland Marsh Food Market offers a produce box delivery service. Submitted Photo.

With COVID-19, many people are turning to online grocery shopping or food delivery service to reduce their risk of contracting the virus. 

With the demand for more contact-less services, many existing businesses have switched up their business models to ensure a safe and comfortable shopping experience. 

Zehrs and Walmart are the only grocery stores in Bradford that offer grocery pick-up options. Many are travelling to other stores in Newmarket and Barrie for grocery pick-ups, as time slots in Bradford fill up quickly. 

For those looking for fresh local produce, Bradford based South Simcoe Produce and Holland Marsh Food Market are offering produce boxes, delivered right to your door. 

Simcoe Produce has a set price of $30 and it includes 12 pieces of farm fresh produce. Delivery days are Tuesdays and Fridays in the Bradford area. 

Cannan Farms in the Holland Marsh has their 'Seed fo Feed' boxes, with three sizes available. It started in Bradford five years ago. 

The Holland Marsh Food Market has their Ontario Eats n’ Produce Share program,  which includes various sized boxes of freshly picked Ontario farm produce.  They also have farm fresh eggs available for purchase. Orders can be delivered for a fee, or picked up at the farm on the 4th Line in Bradford. 

Owner of the Holland Marsh Food Market, Liz Gorzo says she has been very busy with orders over the past few weeks. 

“I have tripled my weekly deliveries and pickups and it continues daily,” she said. 

In May she hopes to be able to offer other local commodities with an online store for custom orders.  

“People want more than just veggies. So my goal is to have those options,” she said. 

To learn more check out the Simcoe Produce Facebook page here, The Seed To Feed website here, and the Holland Marsh Food Market website here.


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