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LETTER: A note to local businesses from MPP Caroline Mulroney

'Ontario's businesses have stepped up since the outset of this crisis, not only to keep our community safe, but with innovative ideas and solutions to the COVID-19 outbreak. You are the embodiment of the Ontario Spirit, and I am incredibly grateful'
2020-04-22 Caroline Mulroney
File photo of Caroline Mulroney

BradfordToday received the following letter from Caroline Mulroney, MPP York-Simcoe regarding measures to reopen the province.

During the last several weeks, we have been called on to make incredible sacrifices to stop the spread of COVID-19, including staying home from work and closing businesses. Thanks to our collective hard work and sacrifice, today, the province announced that certain retailers, seasonal businesses, and health and community service providers will be permitted to open or expand services on Tuesday, May 19.

Additionally, seasonal services, like marinas, golf courses, private parks and campgrounds, will be allowed to open on Saturday, May 16. A full list of businesses that will be permitted to reopen can be found here.

Today's news is great for our community and our province. However, we must take our time with a gradual, practical and safe reopening. In due course, we will get more and more people back to work.

Ontario's Framework for Reopening Our Province ensures that employment and job creation goes hand-in-hand with protecting the health and well-being of Ontarians. Businesses should only re-open if they are ready, and we must remain vigilant to stop the spread of COVID-19. Stage One of Ontario's Framework for Reopening Our Province will only continue provided that public health metrics continue to trend in a positive direction.

Ontario's businesses have stepped up since the outset of this crisis, not only to keep our community safe, but with innovative ideas and solutions to the COVID-19 outbreak. You are the embodiment of the Ontario Spirit, and I am incredibly grateful. Thank you for your resilience during these unprecedented times.

As we move forward with caution, public health experts will closely monitor each stage of reopening to carefully assess the evolution of the outbreak, so we can benefit from best practices and lessons learned across Ontario. This approach will allow business owners and service providers time to ensure workplaces are safe for staff, consumers and the general public.

I am committed to keeping businesses in York-Simcoe updated on the government's Framework for Reopening Our Province . As always, If you have any questions or concerns, I am here to help. Please contact me at [email protected] or 905-895-1555.

Additional Resources can be found here:

Learn more about Stage 1 of reopening Ontario
See the list of Stage 1 businesses
Learn more about A Framework for Reopening our Province
Find workplace safety guidance documents to prepare for reopening
Information and advice to help your business navigate the economy during COVID-19
Provide your input on the economic impacts of COVID-19
See how your organization can help fight COVID-19
Visit Ontario's website to learn more about how the province continues to protect the people of Ontario from COVID-19

Caroline Mulroney, MPP York-Simcoe