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Bradford's Family Support Network for Autism, Developmental Disabilities

For the past 8 years, local Volunteer Tracey MacFarlane ([email protected]) has directed, maintained and sponsored the Bradford's Family Support Network for Autism, Developmental Disabilities social media page: (

Dedicating 1,000s of her volunteer hours over the years, the BFSN site continues to be a strong source of awareness, and often a leader lending its voice to municipal, provincial, and federal advocacy initiatives and network supports. The site's intended purpose is to continue to provide a collaborative Family Support Network that features and shares awareness for families of children and adults with Autism and or Developmental DisAbilities.
Supporting local Seniors experiencing low community connectivity is also a dedicated passion of Tracey's.

The BFSN's key focus is the continued building of fully inclusive societies while sharing its commitment to Families and their Adult loved ones, with a focus on the values of Independent Facilitation, as they continue on their journey towards building valued community personhood through their contributions to daily society, alongside all others, as should be. ..."People with disabilities must have the choices, control and support they need, afforded by self-directed, individualized funding." FAO

New members can request to join the Facebook page for regularly updated and shared news and information. The site can also be accessed geographically through an interactive map with, placing BWG as a recognizable provincial leader in family-shared advocacy and community resource sharing.

Volunteer Tracey MacFarlane has also actively served her community for over 6 years, 2x terms, as a well-respected and valued electee of the BWG Accessibility Committee.

"Both families and family networks play vital roles in effecting social change and together build strength, knowledge, competence and compassion" FAO